FreeCAD 0.15以降、FEM WorkbenchはWindows、MacOSX、Linuxプラットフォームで使用できます。 ワークベンチは外部ソルバーを使用するため、手動セットアップの量は使用しているオペレーティングシステムによって異なります。 外部ツールの設定方法については、 FEM Installページを参照してください。
Workflow of the FEM Workbench; the workbench calls two external programs to perform meshing of a solid object, and perform the actual solution of the finite element problem
Rigid body constraint: Used to apply the CalculiX's rigid body constraint that constrains the motion of the nodes of a selected geometrical entity to the motion of a reference point positioned by the user. introduced in 1.0
The FEM Workbench is under constant development. An objective of the project is to find ways to easily interact with various FEM solvers, so that the end user can streamline the process of creating, meshing, simulating, and optimizing an engineering design problem, all within FreeCAD.
The following information is aimed at power users and developers who want to extend the FEM Workbench in different ways. Familiarity with C++ and Python is expected, and also some knowledge of the "document object" system used in FreeCAD is necessary; this information is available in the Power users hub and the Developer hub. Please notice that since FreeCAD is under active development, some articles may be too old, and thus obsolete. The most up to date information is discussed in the FreeCAD forums, in the Development section. For FEM discussions, advice or assistance in extending the workbench, the reader should refer to the FEM subforum.
The following articles explain how the workbench can be extended, for example, by adding new types of boundary conditions (constraints), or equations.
A developer's guide has been written to help power users in understanding the complex FreeCAD codebase and the interactions between the core elements and the individual workbenches. The book is hosted at github so multiple users can contribute to it and keep it updated.